By Jia Chunming and Ale Musi

Snipers of the 6th Chinese peacekeeping force to Mali are in their observation post. (Photo by Jia Chunming)
GAO, MALI, Jan. 22 (ChinaMil) -- Ten UN peacekeepers from Chad were killed and at least 25 UN peacekeepers were injured in an attack on a UN camp in the village of Aguelhok in the Kidal Region of Northeastern Mali on Sunday, according to a statement from the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA).
Soon after the attack, the 6th Chinese peacekeeping force to Mali analyzed the characteristics of the terror attack and the security situation in the mission area immediately, and meanwhile, raised the level of defense to the highest level. The Chinese peacekeeping force is currently combat-ready.
In response to terror attacks that could occur at any time, the 6th Chinese peacekeeping force conducted emergency drills and also revised 32 safety defense plans.
The secondary hospital of the medical detachment of the 6th Chinese peacekeeping force to Mali immediately conducted treatment after the attack. Up to now, the hospital has treated eight injured people. The performance of China's secondary hospital has won high praise from both the Commander of the Sector East of the MINUSMA and the head of the regional bureau.