Li Song, China's new Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs, speaks at the plenary session of the Conference on Disarmament on January 21st.
GENEVA, January 22 (ChinaMil) -- Li Song, China’s new Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs, said at the plenary session of the Conference on Disarmament (CD) on January 21st that, as the most authoritative and professional organ in the field of multilateral arms control and disarmament, it’s urgent for the CD to take a more open and inclusive approach and a more flexible, creative and pragmatic attitude to work under the new situation.
Li Song said that since the new century, important changes have taken place in the international situation and relations between major powers, and human society has increasingly become a community with shared future. Therefore, it is increasingly important and urgent for UN member states to join hands and work together to maintain global strategic stability, promote the process of international arms control and disarmament, and strengthen the authority and effectiveness of the global non-proliferation regime.
Li Song also pointed out that it is necessary for the CD to be more open to the international community, especially to all UN member states, and to further enhance its authority and effectiveness. The CD should be more open to new agenda and new topics, explore preventive measures according to the emerging science and technology development, so as to better maintain strategic balance and stability and make the work of the CD more effectively integrated with new international security reality and development prospect.
Li Song arrived in Geneva and started to fulfill his duty on January 16th. He presented the plenipotentiary credential to Michael Møller , Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva and Secretary-General of the CD, and the Rotating Chairman of the CD and Permanent Representative of the CD to Ukraine, at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, on January 18th.