Naval landing ship flotilla conducts actual combat training


2月下旬,南部战区海军某登陆舰支队组织舰艇在复杂气象条件下连续开展主炮对海射击、副炮对空射击、气垫艇编队航行等实战化训练,锤炼官兵指挥协同、应急处置能力。(英文中国军网,英文国防部网/ 摄影报道)
Several target aircraft take off successively from the amphibious dock landing ship Wuzhishan (Hull 987) during the actual combat training in late February, 2021. The amphibious dock landing ship is attached to a naval landing ship flotilla under the PLA Southern Theater Command. The flotilla organized its vessels to conduct main gun firing, close-in weapon system firing, landing craft air-cushion formation maneuver in late February, 2021. ( by Qiao Chenxi)

Source:China Military Online