Military conscription for second half of 2022 kicks off nationwide


China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2022-08-09 21:38:10

北京8月9日电 2022年全国下半年征兵工作全面展开,今年首次将研究生毕业生及在校生青年征集年龄放宽至26周岁,征集对象仍以大学生为重点,优先批准理工类大学生和备战打仗所需技能人才入伍。

BEIJING, Aug. 9 -- China has officially started military conscription for the second half of 2022. For the first time, the ceiling age of the postgraduate and undergraduate conscripts is extended to 26. College students are the main target groups of the military conscription in the second half of 2022, and priority would be given to college students majoring in science and engineering, as well as talents with skills needed for combat readiness.


This year, the practice of "conscription and demobilization twice a year" remains, and a large number of young people of appropriate age have signed up for the army.


In East China’s Zhejiang Province, the number of applicants in the second half of the year has exceeded 110,000, including 50,000 undergraduates and 27,000 graduates of universities and colleges, indicating an ever-increasing quality of soldiers recruited. "Recent situation across the Taiwan Strait has attracted attention of every Chinese. Peace is built on and ensured by the strength of the country, so I want to join the army to serve my motherland and it will be my honor for life to be a soldier," said Yu Qi, a young man from Zhejiang Province.


At present, the military conscription physical examination work is proceeding in all places in an orderly manner as planned.


More than 90 conscription physical examination stations in Zhejiang Province have opened in succession. At the municipal level, there are 11 physical examination stations opened in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, having received over 3,000 young applicants with the proportion of college graduates exceeding 90%.


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