Editor's Note: Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China has worked with all other countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind, which has boosted confidence and added impetus for development of Asia and the world. For the celebration of the 100th funding anniversary of the CPC, we are launching the “CPC in eyes of foreign military students” series, viewing China and CPC from the perspective of foreign soldiers.
By Sri Lankan Major Sudarsha Herath
The COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world when I was studying at the Army Logistics University of the PLA. China was at one point the most seriously hit by the virus, but it was also the first to have successfully controlled it. As we see, China took a wide range of decisive and effective measures, with which it brought the pandemic under control and emerged as the only major economy that registered positive economic growth in 2020.
During China's fight against the pandemic, I was deeply impressed by the words: people and their lives are paramount. My teachers and friends all told me that the Communist Party of China (CPC), as the ruling Party, has always taken serving the people whole-heartedly as its purpose. As I live longer in China and learn more about this country, I've come to understand this sentence even deeper.
Maj. Gen. Zhou Yanming, president of the Army Logistics University of the PLA, told me that China’s political system mainly includes the system of people’s congress, the system of CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation, and the system of regional ethnic autonomy, of which the National People’s Congress (NPC) is the highest organ of state power. Such an institutional design has ensured China’s political stability and prosperity. Under the leadership of the CPC, both the army and the government are dedicated to serving the people. China’s institutional design and development achievements are closely related to the CPC’s people-oriented governance philosophy.
Always putting the people first, the CPC has launched an enduring campaign to crack down upon gang crimes and uproot evils and made China one of the safest countries in the world. While gun violence or racial conflicts seem to be common in some countries, I never heard of things like that when I was living in China. I noticed that the young females working in my academy usually take the public transport home even late at night, because they feel assured about public security in the city. That speaks volumes about the CPC’s successful governance – governance for the people.
Keeping the people firmly in mind, the CPC advocates equality for all. Women’s high position in modern China is praiseworthy. When I was studying in China, I saw men and women being treated equally either in public service, in business or industry, in politics or in other social sectors. At the gate of a school, I saw girls wearing school uniforms walking into the campus; behind them were their parents with eyes full of love and expectation.
Having the people’s interests deep at heart, the CPC pledges to “leave no one behind” on the way to poverty elimination, and has made strenuous anti-poverty efforts as it presses ahead toward building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. During my study in China, I had a chance to visit Zhongling, a village in the Wulong district of Chongqing. It started to receive paired-up assistance of the Army Logistics University in 2017. Zhongling is a village located deep in the mountain far away from cities and towns , but it has smooth and flat roads, well-developed infrastructure and 4G coverage. I think the 4G signals in the mountain well illustrate the CPC’s feat of leading the people out of poverty.
The people living in China are lucky! It is a safe country, a country that can eliminate poverty, and a country where everyone enjoys equal rights. Most importantly, it is a country led by the CPC, a Party that exercises state power for the people whole-heartedly. Under the CPC’s leadership, the Chinese people live and work in peace and contentment, and the nation is prosperous and strong. I believe China will embrace a brighter future!
(This article is based on an interview by the PLA Daily with Major Sudarsha Herath assigned to Sri Lankan Armed Forces, who had once studied at China's PLA Army Logistics University.)