By Sun Shuai and Peng Xi
BEIRUT, Nov.1 (ChinaMil) -- Lieutenant Colonel Ela from the Dutch Navy, as the Gender Officer of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Command, paid a special visit to the female peacekeepers of the 18th Chinese contingent to Lebanon on October 29, and highly acknowledged and affirmed their contributions to the UN peacekeeping cause. In addition, she also acclaimed their full enthusiasm in work and selfless dedication.
Chinese female peacekeepers accompanied Lt Col Ela to visit their living areas, detailed their own duties and tasks, and shared their experiences and suggestions in peacekeeping operations on that day.
Lt Col Ela said in the exchange activities that China’s support for the UN peacekeeping cause has set a good example for all parties. She appreciated the female power exhibited by Chinese female peacekeepers in various positions, especially in combat positions. "Thank you very much for your important contribution made to safeguarding peace and stability in the southern Lebanon region. You are the indispensable messengers of peace for the UNIFIL to carry out peacekeeping missions", added she.
During the event, Lt Col Ela also gave a lecture on the theme of “safeguarding women's rights and interests”, and explained how to give better play to their role under the premise of safety guarantee.
In order to respond positively to the call of the United Nations (UN), China has increased the proportion of women participating in peacekeeping operations in recent years. It is reported that since the 18th Chinese peacekeeping force to Lebanon has been deployed at the end of May this year, the female peacekeepers therein have successfully cleared and disposed nearly 200 mines.
They also assisted in carrying out more than 50 humanitarian medical assistance events, and participated in many visits to local schools, orphanages, and etc. The outstanding combat effectiveness and affinity of the Chinese female peacekeepers have won wide acclaim from various parties.