By Ma Yichong
KHARTOUM, July 3 -- China's 3rd Medium Utility Helicopter Unit (CMUHU03) to Darfur, Sudan successfully completed a test flight mission in the field after replacing some helicopter parts on July 1.
On that day, the peacekeepers worked continuously for 7 hours at a high temperature of 45℃ to complete the replacement of two pairs of blades and one auxiliary engine of a helicopter.
Officials from the aviation department under the United Nations and the African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) attended the event and spoke highly of the professional skills and dedication of the Chinese peacekeepers.
Lu Bo, deputy commander of the CMUHU03, said that the unit will stay committed to the peacekeeping mission while taking the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic into considerations, so as to contribute more of China's strength to promoting the peace process in Darfur.
Since the deployment of the CMUHU03 to Darfur in August 2019, it has successfully accomplished multiple urgent and challenging missions, such as reconnaissance of unfamiliar areas, transportation of VIPs, emergency transport of wounded personnel, etc. Altogether, it has transported more than 1,000 passengers and over 30 tons of materials, thus acclaimed as "an indispensable aviation force" by the UNAMID.