UN Assistant Secretary-General inspects Chinese peacekeepers to South Sudan (Wau)

China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2022-04-01 16:32:42

The picture shows UN Assistant Secretary-General Christian Francis Saunders (R) shaking hands with Chinese peacekeepers.

By Zhang Yafei, He Longlong and Ran Xia

WAU, South Sudan, April 1 -- Christian Francis Saunders, UN Assistant Secretary-General, inspected the 12th Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent to South Sudan (Wau) on March 27, local time, during his recent visit to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

Saunders listened to the work report of the Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent in the Chinese Level II hospital, and then made an on-site inspection of the hospital's inpatient department, outpatient department, laboratory, pharmacy and other places.

He highly praised the good spirits and top-ranking work standards of the peacekeepers of the Chinese medical contingent. "Thanks a lot for your outstanding contribution to the peacekeeping cause on behalf of China. We’ve learned about the practical difficulties and challenges you faced in your work through listening to the report and on-site inspection. The UN will continue to provide assistance and help solve difficulties and challenges together," Saunders said.

Wang Xinghua, head of the medical contingent, responded that the Chinese contingent will continue to comprehensively improve its medical support capabilities during the mission period, complete various tasks assigned by the UN, and contribute more Chinese power to maintaining world peace.

It is learned that the 12th Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent to South Sudan (Wau) has received 351 patients and 14 inpatients since the handover of tasks in December last year. They have performed two emergency air medical evacuations, performed five surgeries, and successfully completed various medical support tasks.

The picture shows UN Assistant Secretary-General Christian Francis Saunders listening to presentations given by the Chinese contingent.

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