By Han Xu
GAO, Mali, April 21 -- The 9th Chinese Peacekeeping Engineering Contingent to Mali passed the environmental assessment of United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) recently.
In the barracks of the Chinese Contingent, an officer-in-charge from the MINUSMA environment section conducted a comprehensive assessment in seven aspects including wastewater disposal, solid waste management and natural resource management. He also fully affirmed the landscaping, mosquito control, malaria and COVID-19 prevention and control work of the Chinese Contingent, and gave the Chinese Contingent the highest environmental rating.
Located on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert, the mission area of the 9th Chinese Peacekeeping Engineering Contingent to Mali has a tropical desert climate with high temperature and little rainfall. The Chinese peacekeepers have actively improved the barrack environment and living facilities since their deployment. They grow fruits, vegetables, and green vegetations in the vacant lots around the prefab houses, which has not only effectively alleviated the shortage of green vegetables, and also made the camp environment better.