NANJING, Jun. 14 (ChinaMil) -- On June 11, under the theme of “Cultivating the Army's Growing Officers in a Changing Era”, the 2019 Symposium for Presidents of Army Academies was opened at the PLA Ground Force Engineering University in Nanjing, the provincial capital of China’s east Province of Jiangsu. Leaders of 7 foreign military academies, including the Black Needle Military Academy of Brazil, the Military Science and Technology College of Egypt, the National Defense Academy of Japan, the Mexican Army and Air Force University, the Nigerian National Defense Academy, the South African Military Academy, and the Thai Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, as well as 12 PLA’s Ground Force Academies attended the exchange activities.
Participants focused on the development of world’s latest military theory, and conducted a number of discussions and exchange activities surrounding the issues related to the transformation of ground force and the training of new-type military personnel, as well as the experience of running schools in their countries.
The President of PLA Ground Force Engineering University, organizer of the forum, said that in the new era featuring ever-emerging new knowledge, new technologies and new theories, the ground force would accelerate its development towards informationization, intellectualization and unmanned operation. In the future, ground force officers would face even more complicated and capricious mission environments, so it is of great significance for both Chinese and foreign military academies to jointly discuss related issues in a bid to adapt to the needs.
During the six-day symposium, heads of both Chinese and foreign military academies have focused on topics, such as the "cultivation of military cadets in meeting with scientific and technological development, as well as complex and uncertain mission environments", the "cultivation of military cadets in dealing with the relationship between the education of science and culture, and the job training", and etc. In addition, they toured the culture, sports and training facilities of the PLA Ground Force Engineering University, and watched the exercise of military training subjects there.
All participants believed that the symposium provided an open and pragmatic exchange platform, which will help both Chinese and foreign military academies to expand thinking, inspire each other, share wisdom, and build consensus, so as to further deepen mutual understanding, promote cooperation and deepen friendship.