102nd China-Laos-Myanmar-Thailand joint patrol on Mekong River kicks off


China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2021-02-24 17:38:15
The 102nd China-Laos-Myanmar-Thailand joint patrol on Mekong River kicks off on February 23. The picture shows the Chinese law enforcement boats cruise through the Jingha waters of the Lancang River. (Photo by Zhang Shouchen)

昆明2月23日电 -- 云南省公安厅新闻办公室23日发布消息,23日9时,随着3艘执法艇在云南省西双版纳傣族自治州景哈码头鸣笛启航,第102次中老缅泰湄公河联合巡逻执法行动正式启动。

KUNMING, Feb. 24 --As three law enforcement boats set sail at Jingha Port, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, at 9 a.m. on February 23, the 102nd China-Laos-Myanmar-Thailand joint patrol on Mekong River officially kicked off, according to a news release by the Press Office of Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department.


According to a report by the Joint Command of the patrol, the four sides will adopt a combination of full-line and segmented patrols to carry out this joint patrol and law enforcement operation. They will strengthen the management and control of key water areas of the Mekong River and build a dense safety net for pandemic control.


Before the operation, the commanders from China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand held a multilateral information exchange meeting through video conference. The four parties notified and exchanged information on the recent security situation in the Mekong River Basin, as well as the works on the fight against drug cases and the COVID-19 pandemic. Law-enforcement authorities of the four countries unanimously agreed to hold a commendation ceremony for the 100-day operation on the crime of smuggling across the Mekong River in a non-contact manner during the joint patrol.

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