Chinese participants for Airborne Platoon contest of IAG 2021 take first trial


China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2021-08-17 20:52:02


By Fang Chao

梁赞州,8月17日 -- 俄罗斯当地时间8月16日上午,参加“国际军事比赛-2021”“空降排”项目的18个国家和地区的空降兵参赛队进行了赛前首次也是唯一一次试跳,进一步熟悉比赛场地和相关比赛流程。

RYAZANSKAYA OBLAST, Aug. 17 -- On the morning of August 16, local time, Russia, airborne teams participating in the Airborne Platoon contest of International Army Games (IAG) 2021 from 18 countries and regions, had their first and only trial parachuting before the competition, so as to further familiarize themselves with the competition site and related game processes.


At 9 a.m., the participating teams from China, Belarus, Venezuela and Brazil gathered at the Zhdova airborne field in Ryazanskaya Oblast, Russia.

The Chinese airborne participants boarded a transport helicopter in three squads and arrived at the designated parachuting airspace dozens of minutes later, where all the members descended to the drop zone and rushed to the staging ground.


All the 25 members of the Chinese team to participate in the airborne assembly and rapid march, as well as fixed-point parachuting competitions under the Airborne Platoon contest took the trial parachuting.


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