Chinese space tracking ship Yuanwang-6 escorts Gaofen-3 03 satellite into orbit


China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2022-04-08 17:07:08


By Qi Chuang and Duan Hanhong

远望6号船4月8日电 --4月7日7时47分,搭载高分三号03星的长征四号丙运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心点火升空,平稳飞行一段时间后,被位于印度洋预定海域待命的中国卫星海上测控部远望6号船精准捕获。随后,该船为火箭入轨、卫星定轨等关键动作提供了可靠测控支持。

YUANWANG-6, April 8 --The Long March 4C carrier rocket carrying the Gaofen-3 03, a new Earth-observation satellite, was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China at 7:47 on April 7. It was later accurately captured by the space-tracking ship Yuanwang-6 of the China Satellite Maritime Tracking and Controlling Department (CSMTC), which was on standby in the predetermined waters of the Indian Ocean. Whereafter, the ship served to provide reliable measurement and control support for key actions such as rocket place into orbit and satellite orbit determination.


According to Xu Rong, the deputy captain of Yuanwang-6, the ship was to undergo equipment maintenance to ensure the smooth completion of the subsequent plans set.


Since the launch of the first Gaofen-3 satellite in 2016, the satellites Gaofen-3 01, 02 and 03 have all been escorted into orbit by the space-tracking ship Yuanwang-6. The escort mission this time marked a record of totally 75 maritime measurement and control missions successfully accomplished.


It was reported that Yuanwang-6 has also fulfilled the maritime measurement and control mission for the remote sensing satellite Yaogan-34 02 in this trip since its departure on March 1, 2022.


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