Helicopter crews assigned to a brigade with the PLA Army practice flight skills during a multi-subject flight training exercise in mid-November, 2023. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Sun Changyi)
11月中旬,陆军某旅开展多课目飞行训练,提升飞行员技战术水平。(英文中国军网、英文国防部网/孙长义 摄影报道)
Helicopter crews assigned to a brigade with the PLA Army practice flight skills during a multi-subject flight training exercise in mid-November, 2023. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Sun Changyi)
11月中旬,陆军某旅开展多课目飞行训练,提升飞行员技战术水平。(英文中国军网、英文国防部网/孙长义 摄影报道)