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Beijing Declaration brings hope of justice and peace to Palestinian people
The Beijing Declaration, signed by the factions with the national interest in mind, not only raises Palestine's status and political influence in the international community but also is an essential step for Palestine's future membership in the UN and independent statehood.
07-27 00:55:34
NATO Summit lays bare its ambitious expansion
NATO, a Cold War vestige and the world's largest military bloc, depends on terror, the creation of enemies, and intimidation for its very existence, and it will only lead to war and chaos. Sacrificing the security of other countries won't get it the absolute security it wants or mitigate its internal and external challenges.
07-27 00:43:43
Like in StarCraft game, NATO needs constant expansion and conquest to survive
This week, US Secretary of State Blinken and Secretary of Defense Austin will embark on a trip to Asia. A vital purpose of this visit is said to ensure US' support for its allies and partners. This comes as political uncertainties increase ahead of the US presidential election and as the US attempts to continue building its alliance relationships aimed at China.
07-26 11:11:41
Highly targeted RIMPAC makes Pacific less pacific
The RIMPAC 2024 exercise is still going on. The Pacific Ocean, the largest in the world, may very well lose its peace because of it and similar exercises in the future, posing a dilemma to all people living in countries around the ocean.
07-24 23:06:24
China proposes a way to prevent nuclear war
Proposing to prevent a nuclear war, promote non-proliferation, and pursue complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons, the nuclear arms control proposal offered by China is a silver lining that the international community should carefully listen to and deeply reflect on as the fundamental way to take the world out of its current dilemma.
07-24 22:53:34
Actions speak louder than words as Manila reaches new S.China Sea deal with Beijing
Given the fact that the Philippines once denied the "gentleman's agreement" of the previous government at the expense of disparaging the country's reputation, and also reneged on the internal understanding and "new model," China will look to what extent this new "deal" be seriously, completely and effectively implemented by the Philippines.
07-24 19:46:20
US 2024 Arctic Strategy aims to bring 'pristine land' into US' military backyard
In the Arctic, where no trouble exists, the US busies itself with imagined concerns. The US' most skilled trick is to "cry wolf" in peaceful regions, especially when promoting the "China threat theory." The US' ultimate goal is to become the hegemonic power in every region of the world.
07-23 23:58:06
ROK-Australia defense ties strengthening
As the Australian military industry is limited in its capacity and countries like the US are seeing their arsenal emptying up due to the war in East Europe, ROK, with its well-developed military industry, becomes an important source of weapons.
07-23 18:24:27
Will US defend Japan with nukes or turn it into the line of fire?
The US, which bombed Japan with nuclear weapons, is reportedly about to protect Japan with nuclear weapons. Reports show that Japan and the US will draft their first joint document on expanded deterrence policy, which will include a clause affirming nuclear weapons will be included in US methods to defend Japan. However, it might be premature if Japan feels moved by this.
07-23 17:19:15
"Warning" on China?—what is "warmaker" NATO up for?
The US is still bent on maintaining its hegemony, and NATO has never stopped creating chaos and war. After it instigates bloc confrontation and triggers an avoidable war in Europe, will it cause another conflict in the Asia Pacific by doing what it is doing now?
07-22 10:43:27
China's mediation in the Middle East, every step is for peace
On the issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China has always stood on the side of fairness and justice, emphasizing political settlement, immediate and lasting cease-fire, and saving innocent lives and mitigating humanitarian disasters.
07-22 09:24:02
Propagating 'China space threat' cliché, US is primary driver of space weaponization
China's development of space technology aims to better serve human scientific and technological progress and civilization advancement. China acts out of public interest, whereas the US acts out of self-interest, highlighting a fundamental difference.
07-21 21:40:34
Japan's 2024 defense white paper exaggerates surrounding security threats
Right now, the Japanese government should bear firmly in mind its historical lessons and contribute to peace and stability in the Asian Pacific region rather than trumpet the "China threat" all day long and instigate regional confrontation.
07-20 15:40:43
NATO's hidden agenda behind its start-up of new reaction force
NATO announced the start-up of the new ARF and its command organization on the eve of the Washington Summit in order to fan up the momentum for the summit, showcase the results of its military buildup, and create a sample for the future expansion and maintenance of its fast reaction forces.
07-19 15:26:23
It is Japan that is acting aggressively not China
It is not China that is antagonizing Japan but the other way round. The PLA Navy's increasingly frequent inoffensive passage through the international water routes close to Japanese islands is its legal right to exercise navigational freedom. Something Japan and the US have done for a long time in the Asia-Pacific. Japan is just being paid back in kind.
07-18 23:03:08
Japan sharpening sword to be unsheathed
Like the editions in the recent past, the Japanese defense white paper for 2024 is another step backward. A regressive outgrowth of the country's swelling ambitions as it clings to the coattails of the United States "Indo-Pacific" travesty.
07-18 01:10:02