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History brooks no denial, distortion by Taiwan's Lai
On Oct. 25, 1945, Taiwan was formally returned to China, ending 50 years of colonial rule by Japan. Such a special day should always be remembered by all Chinese people.
10-26 16:05:47
Who benefits most from NATO's nuclear exercise?
By wrapping Europe around its little finger on the grounds of "security", the US can intensify its political control over and military penetration into European allies in the name of "protection" while also driving international capital back to America. There are numerous signs that Europe, which is eager but unable to achieve "strategic independence", may once again find itself deeply mired in a vortex of "balance of nuclear terror".
10-25 21:39:08
What is the intention behind arrival of USS Seawolf Nuclear Attack Submarine in Japan?
In early October, USS Seawolf (SSN-21), an attack submarine and the lead ship of its class, arrived at Yokosuka base in Japan. The attack nuclear submarine described by the US Navy as the most expensive, quietest, and rarest attack one has once again arrived in the turbulent East Asia region. What kind of waves will it stir up?
10-25 18:22:01
Israel's ceasefire plan undermines Lebanon's sovereignty
It is reported that Israel recently gave a document with its conditions for a diplomatic solution to end the war in Lebanon to the US. The Israeli demands include that the IDF be allowed to engage in "active enforcement" to make sure Hezbollah doesn't rearm and rebuild its military infrastructure in the areas of southern Lebanon that are close to the border and that its air force have freedom of operation in Lebanese air space.
10-25 17:58:44
Proposed naval drill sign of change in Middle East
Saudi Arabia has reportedly proposed a combined naval drill with Iran in the Red Sea. It is widely taken as a positive sign indicating the continuation of the improvement of relations between the two major countries in the Middle East, carrying positive significance to the region.
10-25 10:57:57
NATO flexes its muscles
The military expansion will force several European countries to speed up enlistment and increase military spending, and they have to spend more on defense as the process continues, with the possibility of shifting to a so-called state of "wartime economy". That may lead to an arms race among regional countries or blocs.
10-24 23:21:15
Who is stoking tension on Korean Peninsula?
America's constant trumpeting about an "Asian version of NATO" and instigation of tension on the peninsula, disregarding the security and welfare of over 50 million ROK people, has already aroused their anti-war sentiments. A lot of people are going on demonstrations on the streets of Seoul, shouting "We want peace, not war".
10-24 21:08:36
US deployment of THAAD system in Israel escalates regional tensions
This direct intervention puts US soldiers on the front lines of the threat posed by Iranian missiles, exposing them to greater security risks. If Iranian missiles strike US soldiers, or if pro-Iranian militias in Iraq or Syria cause US casualties, the US could be forced to directly engage in military action, which will further drag it into the regional conflict and make the security situation even more complicated and chaotic.
10-23 17:02:29
NATO's expansion plan deepens security predicament of Europe
Following the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis in 2022, NATO approved the NATO 2022 Strategic Concept and the "most comprehensive defense plans since the end of the Cold War", re-establishing Russia as its "most significant and direct threat."
10-23 09:43:03
US paying lip service to Taiwan Strait stability
The US is not trying to maintain the status quo across the Strait or protect "democracy". Instead, it is preparing to initiate a war in the Asia-Pacific to fish for its own narrow gains, just as it has done in Europe and the Middle East. To Lai and his US patrons, peace is a veneer covering the nature of the former's pro-independence stance, development is a means to realize his secessionist cause, and democracy is a pretext to justify their collusion.
10-22 09:01:08
Why US deploys Typhon missile system in Asia-Pacific?
The deployment of the Typhon system by the US in the Philippines is a calculated move aimed at dragging the Asia-Pacific into the quagmire of an arms race, signaling a potentially dangerous resurgence of the "specter" of the Cold War.
10-19 22:22:02
Japan, ROK strengthen military collusion
The ROK Defense Ministry agreed that JSDF could enter the ROK in wartime to deliver supplies to the US Forces Korea, Japanese media reported on October 9th. This decision in a way indicated the mitigation of the military estrangement between Japan and the ROK, and marked a step forward in the US-led trilateral military cooperation.
10-18 19:01:29
Why US, ROK rush to defense cost-sharing deal?
For a long time, the ROK has been highly reliant on the US for security on the Korean Peninsula and therefore has little say regarding the USFK cost sharing. Although the 12th SMA is a major diplomatic accomplishment achieved with ROK's active efforts, its share has nevertheless increased considerably, again, and will continue to increase annually ever after.
10-17 19:14:40
Will NATO annual nuclear exercise "Steadfast Noon" once again shroud Europe in the shadow of nuclear war?
NATO kicked off its large-scale nuclear exercise "Steadfast Noon" in northern Europe on Monday, with 2,000 soldiers and 60 aircraft from 13 NATO countries participating in the exercise. NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte said, "Steadfast Noon sends a clear message to any adversary that NATO will protect and defend all Allies."
10-17 18:06:26
'Forever' deployment of US Typhon missile system a poison to Philippines, region
Right now, the Philippines believes the US is offering it sweets, but what the US actually provides is toxic, poisoning the Philippines' relations with China and other regional countries as well as undermining regional peace.
10-17 16:32:57
Attack on UNIFIL: Why does Israel dare to infuriate international community?
As the Hezbollah-Israel conflict continues to escalate, Israel has recently launched several attacks on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), sparking widespread opposition from the international community.
10-16 23:48:46