Chinese peacekeepers to Mali pass UN equipment inspection

China Military Online
Li Wei
2022-02-08 17:35:35

MALI, Feb.8 -- The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) conducted an equipment inspection on the Menaka detachment of the 9th Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent to Mali recently, which was the first UN equipment inspection on the Chinese detachment this year.

The inspection team carried out an overall inspection on the quantity, quality and technical performance of over 1,000 equipment and devices under 19 categories, including vehicle machinery and living facilities, as well as the logistic support capacity and material reserves.

During the inspection process, the Chinese peacekeepers explained the quantity and quality of the materials and devices as well as the technical performance of the weapons and equipment, and they also proficiently operated various equipment on the spot.

After more than four hours of inspection and evaluation, the UN inspection team unanimously believed that the vehicles and equipment of the Menaka detachment of the 9th Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent to Mali passed the inspection with a 100% integrity rate, and the main equipment and self-maintaining equipment all met the UN requirements and the peacekeeping mission needs.


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