BEIJING, Jan. 27 -- “Washington and Tokyo’s attempt to meddle in the Taiwan question is a dangerous move. The more they get involved, the more they will hurt in the end,” said Senior Colonel Wu Qian, a spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, at a regular media briefing on Thursday.
Recent US-Japan “2+2” Ministerial Meeting issued a joint statement hyping up the so-called China threats. Besides, the two sides also drummed about the issues concerning the Taiwan Strait, intending to put their Taiwan policy into action. “The Chinese side is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to that, and has lodged stern representations to the relevant countries,” Senior Colonel Wu said.
As for the US and Japan's claim that “China is undermining the rules-based international order”, Senior Colonel Wu pointed out that there is only one set of rules, that is, the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and also only one international order that is underpinned by international law.
While repeating the lie of so-called China threats, the US and Japan are continuously stepping up their military deployments in the East and South China Seas and conducting highly targeted military provocations. Neither the US nor Japan is in a position to point fingers at China on the issue of rules and order. And their Cold-war mentality of confrontation mirrored by such moves merits high alert of the international community, Senior Colonel Wu said.
Wu added that at present, the Taiwan Island’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities and the "Taiwan Independence" secessionists have engaged in constant provocation for "independence" by external forces. By hyping up the so-called China threats and the issues concerning the Taiwan Strait, the US and Japan are fanning the DPP’s flame of seeking independence and giving the “Taiwan independence” secessionists a wrong signal. This is the biggest threat to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
The Chinese military has the rock-solid resolve and continuously enhanced capabilities and means to safeguard China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity. “We mean what we say and deliver what we promise,” Wu stressed.