Editor's note: At the "two sessions" each year, NPC deputies and CPPCC members from Chinese armed forces actively put forward bills, proposals and suggestions. We are launching the "NPC deputies and CPPCC members from the military" series, telling stories of some military service persons in fulfilling their duties as NPC deputies or CPPCC members. The following is the sixth story of the series.
As a two-term NPC deputy, Lieutenant Colonel Wang Hailong, an associate researcher at the PLA Army Research Institute, feels that the month of March always brings new hope to him and all tech professionals - the hope of strengthening the military with science and technology.
Having worked as a grassroots instructor and a division chief at military organs, and now working on scientific research, Lieut. Col. Wang Hailong has realized that to promote technological progress, all "fetters" on the minds and actions of innovative talent must be smashed.
"This year my proposal is about innovating the operating mechanism of scientific research. It is based on my thoughts and experience at work, and my surveys with colleges and relevant organs. I want to break the traditional evaluation mechanism that places too much emphasis on 'papers and awards'. Instead, we should pay more attention to how many scientific findings can actually contribute to augmenting combat capability," Wang said.
Multi-post experience and various surveys through the years have given Wang insight into how science and technology can contribute to the troops' combat capability.
The grassroots troops are at the forefront of building a strong military with science and technology. They are the first link along the whole combat system. Only by maximizing their enthusiasm and initiative, can we truly transform scientific research findings into real combat capability.