Editor's note: At the "two sessions" each year, NPC deputies and CPPCC members from Chinese armed forces actively put forward bills, proposals and suggestions. We are launching the "NPC deputies and CPPCC members from the military" series, telling stories of some military service persons in fulfilling their duties as NPC deputies or CPPCC members. The following is the eighth story of the series.
Born in the 1990s, Lieutenant Yang Yang is a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) and vice operational commanding officer of the naval dock landing ship Yimengshan (Hull 988) under the PLA Eastern Theater Command.
As an NPC deputy, Lt. Yang Yang has collected more than 70 clues about the opinions of grassroots troops in the past five years and made several proposals on enhancing the amphibious combat capabilities, improving mental health services for sailors, and cultivating and use of petty officers, some of which have been adopted and put into practice.
In Yang’s opinion, bringing what grassroots soldiers wish for into reality is what makes her most proud.