China's 10th military medical expert team to Ethiopia sets out

China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2024-05-16 09:32:41

BEIJING, May 16 -- A setting-out ceremony for the 10th group of Chinese military medical experts to Ethiopia was held at the First Hospital Affiliated to the PLA Army Medical University (AMU) on May 15. Representatives from the PLA Army agencies, academies, and relevant units, as well as family members of these experts,attended the ceremony.

This expert team to Ethiopia consists of 13 members from multiple units within the PLA Army Medical University, covering more than 10 disciplines such as clinical science, medical technology, and logistics.

Since receiving the mission, the PLA Army Medical University and the affiliated hospital have successively completed plan formulation, personnel selection, material acquisition and intensified training, effectively improving their capabilities to perform overseas medical assistance.

It is reported that the Chinese military medical expert team will closely focus on the development of better medical treatment capabilities in high-tech hospitals of Ethiopia via the military medical assistance.

Since 2015, the PLA Army Medical University has dispatched 10 groups of experts to Ethiopia to perform military assistance missions, winning high praise from the international community and Ethiopia.

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