Gao Yujiao, Guo Zhongzheng
北京8月2日电 近日,空军2022年度招飞工作圆满结束,千余名青年学生加入空军队伍。为激发飞行学员职业荣誉感自豪感,空军于31日首次派出运-20飞机运送新录取飞行学员到空军航空大学报到。
BEIJING, Aug. 2 -- The PLA Air Force (PLAAF) has successfully wrapped up its 2022 pilot cadet recruitment, with over one thousand senior high school graduates enrolled by the PLAAF as pilot cadets. The PLAAF dispatched Y-20 transport aircraft for the first time on July 31 to send newly-admitted pilot cadets to the Aviation University of Air Force for registration, in an effort to boost their sense of honor and professional pride.
On July 31 and August 1, the air force set up boarding points in Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Nanjing, Changsha, and Chengdu, where newly-admitted pilot cadets boarded in lines the Y-20 aircrafts which will send them to the Aviation University of Air Force for registration. This is the first time the PLAAF has sent Y-20 to deliver pilot cadets to school.
According to the pilot selection bureau of the PLAAF, since the Air Force began the admission of pilot cadets independently 30 years ago, the number of newly-admitted pilot cadets this year has set a new high, including over 400 graduates from the youth aviation schools jointly opened by the Air Force and 16 superior senior high schools in China.
新录取飞行学员高考成绩平均超一本线59分,其中60名将进入北京大学、清华大学、北京航空航天大学学习, 3年后转入空军航空大学进行航空理论学习和飞行训练。空军从2012年开始正式与清华大学、北京大学、北京航空航天大学联合培养飞行学员。
The newly admitted pilot cadets’ average score on the National College Entrance Exam was 59 points higher than the threshold score for key universities, and 60 of them will go to Peking University, Tsinghua University, or Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics to spend the first three years of their college life there and then transfer to the Air Force Aviation University to receive aviation theory learning and flight training. Since 2012, the PLAAF has started to train pilot cadets jointly with the above three universities.