PAP troops rush to restore traffic blocked by snowstorm on plateau


China Military Online
Lin Congyi
2023-03-10 22:40:04

A soldier of the Chinese People's Armored Police (PAP) force is driving a bulldozer to clean up the snow on the road.


BEIJING, March 9 -- On March 7, a detachment of the Chinese People’s Armed Police (PAP) Force's Second Mobile Corps in Changdu, Xizang, rushed out to reopen the national highway blocked by snow in Basu County.

北京3月9日电  3月7日, 西藏昌都武警第二机动总队某支队紧急出动抢通八宿县境内因降雪受阻的国道。

On the early morning of March 7, heavy snowfall occurred in Changdu City under the influence of strong cold air, resulting in thick snow covering on the Yela Mountain Road section of the National Highway 318 line in Basu County, with an average thickness of 15 cm. Over 500 vehicles and more than 1,000 people were trapped therein.


Upon hearing of the disaster, a detachment of the PAP Second Mobile Corps immediately sent professional forces and large rescue equipment such as snow throwers, snow clearer and bulldozers to the scene.


As of 17:30 on the same day, the PAP troops had worked for seven consecutive hours, clearing more than 40,000 cubic meters of snow on the road, with over 20 kilometers of road open to traffic again. The road from Yela Mountain to Nujiang Valley along the National Highway 318 line blocked by snow had all been restored to traffic at last, and the stranded vehicles passed orderly under the direction of the PAP troops.


The stranded vehicles get to pass under the direction of the service members of the PAP detachment.


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