Chinese naval hospital ship visits Solomon Islands


China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2023-08-21 18:04:44

BEIJING, Aug. 21 -- Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark, which is on the Harmonious Mission 2023, arrived in Port Honiara of Solomon Islands, the fourth stop of the mission, on the morning of August 19, starting its seven-day visit there. This is the first visit to the Solomon Islands by the hospital ship Peace Ark, and the Chinese naval vessel as well.


At 10 am, the hospital ship Peace Ark docked at Port Honiara, where a grand welcome ceremony was held. Solomon Islands’ Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga, Minister for Health and Medical Services Togamana and other dignitaries, together with Chinese Ambassador to Solomon Islands Li Ming, staff of the embassy and representatives of overseas Chinese, attended the ceremony.


During the visit, the commander of Peace Ark will call on the Governor General of Solomon Islands Rev. David Vunagi. And, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare, Deputy Prime Minister Maelanga and other dignitaries will board Peace Ark for visit and participate in relevant activities.

There will be 26 clinical departments and 7auxiliary clinical departments opened to the public aboard the ship, providing diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases. At the same time, it will send medical detachments to various locations, carrying out joint diagnosis and treatment.


In September 2019, China and Solomon Islands officially established diplomatic relations, and in July 2023, the two sides jointly announced the official establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership featuring mutual respect and common development in the new era.


The Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark, which is on the Harmonious Mission 2023, docks at Port Honiara, Solomon Islands on August 19. (Photo by Gui Jiangbo)

8月19日,正在执行“和谐使命-2023”任务的中国海军和平方舟号医院船靠泊所罗门群岛霍尼亚拉港。桂江波 摄

People of Port Honiara, Solomon Islands, together with representatives of overseas Chinese, welcome the visiting hospital ship with national flags of the two countries on August 19. (Photo by Xu Wei)

8月19日,所罗门群岛霍尼亚拉港民众及华人华侨高举两国国旗迎接和平方舟号医院船到访。徐巍 摄

Solomon Islands’ Deputy Prime Minister Maelanga reviews the honor guard aboard the visiting Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark on August 19. (Photo by Li Yu)

8月19日,所副总理梅兰加登上到访的中国海军和平方舟号医院船船并检阅仪仗队。黎宇 摄

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