China calls for international efforts to reduce spill-over effects of Palestinian-Israeli conflict on situation in Iraq


China Military Online
Li Weichao
2024-02-08 22:17:53

By Wang Jiangang


UN, Feb. 8 -- Dai Bing, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, called for international efforts to mitigate the spill-over effects of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the situation in Iraq.

联合国2月6日电  中国常驻联合国副代表戴兵6日呼吁,国际社会努力降低巴以冲突对伊拉克局势所造成的外溢影响。

Dai Bing stated at an open meeting of the Security Council on Iraq that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been escalating for some time, which has also had an impact on Iraq. There have been multiple attacks in Iraq, and the security situation is worrisome. China calls on all parties, especially the influential powers, to respect Iraq's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, exercise calm and restraint, refrain from escalating tensions, and play a constructive role in cooling down the situation.


Dai Bing said that China appreciates the concrete measures taken by the Iraqi government to promote economic reform, combat corruption, create employment opportunities, and improve public services. It is in the fundamental interests of the Iraqi people for all factions in Iraq to strengthen unity, achieve reconciliation, and work for development. China supports the central government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government in further strengthening dialogue and consultation on outstanding issues and seeking sustainable solutions. China supports Iraq in developing friendly and neighborly relations with countries in the region.


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