Chinese naval frigate Xuchang makes technical stop in Cape Town


China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2024-05-21 20:09:37

The guided-missile frigate Xuchang attached to the 46th Chinese naval escort taskforce makes a technical stop in Cape Town, South Africa, for replenishment and rest from May 16 to 19, 2024. (Photo by Zhang Huzhi)

中国海军第46批护航编队舰艇许昌舰16日至19日技术停靠南非开普敦,进行补给休整。(张虎志 摄)

By Zhou Lianglong and Zhang Dayu

周良龙 张大禹

CAPE TOWN, May 21 -- The guided-missile frigate Xuchang attached to the 46th Chinese naval escort taskforce made a technical stop in Cape Town, South Africa, from May 16 to 19, for replenishment and rest.

开普敦5月21日电 中国海军第46批护航编队舰艇许昌舰16日至19日技术停靠南非开普敦,进行补给休整。

During its stay, the frigate Xuchang got the replenishment of oil, water, and staple and non-staple food, and organized troops to rest. Meanwhile, staff members of the Chinese Consulate-General in Cape Town were invited to visit the ship, view the performance of the main weapons and equipment onboard and have a glimpse of the lives of sailors.


The guided-missile frigate Xuchang attached to the 46th Chinese naval escort taskforce makes a technical stop in Cape Town, South Africa, for replenishment and rest from May 16 to 19, 2024. (Photo by Zhang Huzhi)

中国海军第46批护航编队舰艇许昌舰16日至19日技术停靠南非开普敦,进行补给休整。(张虎志 摄)

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