BEIJING, May 27 -- Chinese Defense Minister Admiral Dong Jun will attend the 21st Shangri-La Dialogue (SLD) and visit Singapore upon invitation from May 29 to June 3.
Dong Jun will address the summit on the topic of "China's Approach to Global Security" and meet with the heads of delegations of relevant countries.
During his visit to Singapore, Defense Minister Admiral Dong Jun will also hold talks with leaders of Singapore's government and defense departments.
北京5月27日电 5月29日至6月3日,国防部长董军将应邀出席第21届香格里拉对话会并访问新加坡。董军部长在香格里拉对话会上将围绕“中国的全球安全观”作大会发言,并会见有关国家代表团团长。访新期间,董军部长将与新政府和防务部门领导举行会见会谈。