Members of the 14th Chinese peacekeeping level-II hospital to UNMISS interact with local children during the free clinic. (Photo by Wang Haoyu)
WAU, South Sudan, May 27 -- Recently, members of the 14th Chinese peacekeeping level-II hospital to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) provided free clinic service in a village of Wau City, close to their camp.
During the free clinic, they treated more than 300 patients, distributed over 20 kinds of medicines, and provided health education on common local diseases.
瓦乌5月27日电 日前,中国第14批赴南苏丹维和医疗分队官兵前往营区附近的瓦乌市某村开展义诊活动,先后接诊患者300多人次,发放各类药品20多种,并针对当地常见病宣讲健康知识。