China, UAE air forces conduct second joint training


China Military Online
Chen Zhuo
2024-07-10 10:40:14

BEIJING, July 10 -- According to the annual plan and the consensus reached by China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Falcon Shield-2024 joint training exercise between the Chinese and UAE air forces are ongoing in China's Xinjiang from late June to late July. This is the second joint training between the two air forces, aiming to enhance mutual understanding and trust, deepen exchanges and cooperation, improve strategic cooperation, and achieve common goals and expectations of both sides.

北京7月10日电 根据年度计划及中国和阿联酋两军共识,中阿“猎鹰盾牌-2024”空军联合训练于6月下旬至7月下旬在中国新疆举行。此系中阿第二次举行空军联训,旨在增进双方了解与互信,深化两国空军之间交流与合作,提升两军战略协作水平,实现双方的共同目标和期许。

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