WPNS Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Seminar and Tabletop Exercise 2024 kicks off


China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2024-07-10 17:19:58

(The picture shows the scene of the seminar.)


BEIJING, July 10 -- The Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Seminar and Tabletop Exercise 2024 kicked off in Guangzhou, China, on Tuesday. The event was held by the Chinese PLA Navy and attended by representatives from 16 member states and six observer states both online and offline.

北京7月10日电 7月9日上午,由中国海军承办的2024西太海军论坛人道主义救援减灾研讨与桌面推演活动在广州开幕,来自16个成员国和6个观察员国的代表通过线下、线上两种方式参加此次活动。

The three-day event consists of two parts: exchanges in seminar and tabletop exercise, during which eight experts and representatives from seven countries will share their own experience and insights on humanitarian assistance in recent years.


The tabletop exercise will use group-based map simulations to focus on joint humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations in the context of typhoon disasters.


Natural disasters have become more frequent worldwide in recent years. To effectively respond to natural disasters and advance humanitarian assistance and disaster relief cooperation in the Western Pacific region, the Chinese PLA Navy proposed to host this event at the 18th WPNS in 2022. It aims to actively explore methods for navies in the Western Pacific region to jointly respond to major natural disasters, deepen practical cooperation in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, enhance disaster response experience sharing, and strengthen joint crisis response capabilities and willingness.


(The picture shows the scene of the tabletop exercise.)


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