New field shower cabin debuts in China's Zhurihe training base


China Military Online
Chen Zhuo
2024-07-16 17:43:47

BEIJING, July 16 -- Recently, a new type of field shower cabin has been put into use at a Chinese military training base, improving the training conditions of the soldiers.

北京7月16日电  日前,一种新型野战淋浴方舱在我军训练基地投入使用,为官兵们的野外驻训和生活提供保障。

At the Zhurihe training base, field camps of various training units are stationed there. The tents in the field camps are scattered and camouflaged in different colors, blending with the terrain. The tents are designed to provide ventilation while protecting against wind, sand, and mosquitoes.


The new field rolling kitchen is equipped with automatic vegetable cutters, automatic dough mixers, stew pots, frying pans, and steamers, making cooking quick and easy. It also enables convenient cooking on the move.


The new field shower cabin features an expandable container design. When closed, it looks like a standard container, but when opened, it transforms into a shower cabin equipped with water heating, temperature control, and showering facilities. The shower temperature is maintained between 20°C and 40°C. With 12 showerheads on each side, the cabin accommodates 24 people showering simultaneously. This allows soldiers to enjoy a comfortable hot shower after training, helping them recover and rest.

新型野战淋浴方舱采用集装箱扩展式设计,合起来是一个标准的集装箱,展开后是集烧水、控温、淋浴为一体的淋浴方舱。淋浴水温控制在20℃到40℃之间,淋浴区两侧各配备12个淋浴喷头,可以同时进行24人洗澡。官兵结束训练后,可以洗上一个舒舒服服的热水澡, 能得到良好的恢复和休整。

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