46th Chinese naval escort taskforce leaves Casablanca port


China Military Online
Chen Zhuo
2024-07-17 17:10:46

By Zhang Dayu


BEIJING, July 17 -- On July 14, local time, the guided-missile destroyer Jiaozuo (Hull 163) and the comprehensive supply ship Honghu (Hull 906) attached to the 46th Chinese naval escort taskforce left Casablanca port, Morocco, after a five-day replenishment and rest.

北京7月17日电 当地时间14日,中国海军第46批护航编队焦作舰、洪湖舰结束为期5天的补给休整,驶离摩洛哥卡萨布兰卡港。

At around 9 a.m., the ships Jiaozuo and Honghu cast off their moorings and departed from the dock of Casablanca port. Staff of the Chinese Embassy in Morocco held a grand farewell ceremony at the dock to see the ships off.


After leaving the port, the Chinese ships conducted joint training with the Moroccan frigate Sultan Moulay Ismail in the waters near Casablanca, including subjects such as communications, joint search and rescue, and formation maneuvers.


During this technical stop, the 46th Chinese naval escort taskforce held a deck reception on the ship Jiaozuo to celebrate the upcoming 97th anniversary of the founding of the PLA. Besides, the navies of China and Morocco held exchange activities including cross-deck visits, which further deepened mutual understanding and enhanced their friendship.


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