PLA, PAP, militias conduct emergency rescue in central China


China Military Online
Chen Zhuo
2024-07-19 11:19:19

BEIJING, July 19 -- Recently, Henan Province and Shaanxi Province in central China suffered heavy rainfall. Rescue forces from the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), the Chinese People's Armed Police (PAP) Force and militias have been fighting on the front lines of flood prevention and disaster relief.

北京7月18日电 连日来,河南、陕西遭遇强降雨天气。解放军和武警部队官兵、民兵奋战防汛抢险一线,持续开展救援。

Due to continuous heavy rainfall, the pressure of flood prevention in Sheqi County and Tanghe County of Nanyang City, Henan Province, increased sharply on Tuesday. PLA soldiers and militiamen were dispatched in time to evacuate residents, reinforce embankments, and patrol embankments to assess risks. As of 00:00 on Wednesday, the crest of the flood has safely passed through the entire Tanghe County.


On Wednesday, a mobile detachment under the PAP Henan Corps carried out tasks of reinforcing embankments and drainage operations. As of 15:00 on Wednesday, the detachment has relocated 770 people and loaded and transported more than 8,000 sandbags.


On Tuesday, Baoji City in Shaanxi Province suffered from heavy rainfall. The Shiba River and its tributary, Wayu River, overflowed, causing waterlogging in some districts of the city. At 8:00 on Wednesday, the Baoji Detachment under the PAP Shaanxi Corps dispatched forces to urgently repair roads, evacuate residents, and transport supplies. At present, rescue work is still ongoing.


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