Chinese Hospital ship Peace Ark rounds off visit to Tanzania, heads for Madagascar


China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2024-07-24 22:15:01

By Liu Zhilei and Yang Xiaolin


DAR ES SALAAM, July 24 -- The Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark on Mission Harmony-2024 rounded off its visit to Tanzania at 10 a.m. on July 23 local time, and departed from the port of Dar es Salaam for its third destination, Madagascar.

达累斯萨拉姆7月24日电  当地时间7月23日上午10时,执行“和谐使命-2024”任务的中国海军“和平方舟”号医院船圆满结束对坦桑尼亚的访问,驶离达累斯萨拉姆港,前往本次任务第3站马达加斯加。

During its seven-day friendly visit to Tanzania, the ship Peace Ark provided medical services to over 8,000 patients and performed more than 80 surgeries, including cataract operation and renal cyst decompression procedures. Besides, the ship celebrated the birth of the first "peace baby" of the Mission Harmony-2024.


During the visit, the ship Peace Ark also dispatched over ten medical teams to local hospitals, communities, and schools to provide medical services, emergency skills training, and health education. The Chinese medical teams' professional and efficient medical services and warm and friendly interactions were highly praised by local medical staff and people.


On July 19, representatives of the ship Peace Ark visited the Chinese experts' cemetery in Tanzania to pay their respects, carrying the spirit of the TAZARA railway. Additionally, Chinese personnel also participated in various cultural and sports activities with their Tanzanian counterparts, further enhancing mutual understanding and friendship.


On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Tanzania, the Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark concluded its third visit to Tanzania. A grand farewell ceremony was held by the Tanzanian side as the ship departed.


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