Chinese medical peacekeepers to Lebanon complete emergency defense drill


China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2024-10-14 20:59:03

By Zeng Dele, Cheng Lu and Zhuang Xiaohao


BEIRUT, Oct. 14 -- Recently, the 22nd Chinese Peacekeeping Level-1+ Hospital to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) successfully completed the "Blue Porcupine 2024" emergency defense drill organized by the UNIFIL Sector East amid the ongoing conflicts in the mission area. The drill has examined and enhanced the emergency response capabilities of the Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent.

贝鲁特10月14日电  连日来,任务区周边冲突不断,中国第22批赴黎巴嫩维和医疗分队圆满完成联黎部队东战区“豪猪演习”应急演练,有效检验和提升维和官兵应对各类突发事件的反应能力。

After the drill began, the Chinese peacekeepers immediately put on their protective gear. The emergency combat team quickly collected weapons and ammunition, occupied a favorable position and stayed alert to the surrounding situation, while the rest of the personnel went to the designated bunker on standby.


During the drill, the Chinese peacekeepers conducted medical treatment training. They provided emergency treatment for the wounded and then transferred them to the resuscitation room for fluid replacement and anti-shock therapy while monitoring the vital signs all the time.

期间,该分队还穿插了医疗救治课目, 对“负伤”官兵进行现场紧急处理,随后将“伤员”转移至抢救室进行液体补充和抗休克治疗,并随时监测“伤员”各项生命体征。

The UNIFIL Sector East sent special inspectors to verify the personnel composition, weapons and equipment, medical supplies and daily necessities in the two bunkers of the Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent. The inspectors used the communication facilities in the bunker to communicate with the UNIFIL Sector East and reported that the Chinese peacekeeping contingent fully met the exercise standards.


In addition, the Chinese medical contingent conducted combat rescue knowledge and skills training for peacekeeping detachments and military observers from multiple countries, with a focus on several key subjects such as battlefield triage, spinal injury rescue, bleeding control, bandaging and fixation, airway management and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, in a bid to help friendly peacekeeping forces and military observers master the basic operational methods of self-rescue and mutual rescue.


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