Chinese naval hospital ship makes maiden visit to Benin


China Military Online
Chen Zhuo
2024-10-18 18:52:42

Overseas Chinese and representatives of Chinese enterprises welcome the Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark in the rain. (Photo by Cao Chunyao)

图为华人华侨、中资机构员工代表在雨中欢迎和平方舟医院船到访。曹春耀 摄

COTONOU, Benin, Oct. 18 -- On October 17th local time, the Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark, which is on the Mission Harmony-2024, arrived at the port of Cotonou, the Republic of Benin for a 7-day friendly visit. 

北京10月18日电 当地时间10月17日,执行“和谐使命-2024”任务的中国海军和平方舟医院船抵达贝宁科托努港,进行为期7天的友好访问。

Medical service will be carried out on the Peace Ark during the visit. Medical teams will provide service for local residents as well. The Beninese military doctors, who attended training in China before, will board the Chinese naval hospital ship for visit and have in-depth exchanges with Chinese medical experts.


This is Peace Ark's first time visit to Benin, and also the first time a Chinese naval ship has paid a visit to the country since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Benin.


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