By Li Lei and Shao Bokang
RAWALPINDI, Pakistan, Dec. 18 -- The Chinese troops participating in the China-Pakistan "Warrior-VIII" joint counter-terrorism exercise returned to China by two Y-20 transport aircraft on December 14, local time.
巴基斯坦拉瓦尔品第12月18日电 当地时间14日9时许,随着两架运-20运输机平稳飞离巴基斯坦某军用机场,参加中巴“勇士-8”反恐联合演习的中方参演官兵全部回撤,本次联合演习顺利结束。
Focusing on joint counter-terrorism clean-up and strike operations, the two sides conducted training in mixed groups on subjects including equipment operation, live-fire shooting with various firearms, individual counter-terrorist skills, team counter-terrorist tactics, treatment in war wound, and communication interoperability, which has effectively tested the capabilities of the two militaries in joint counter-terrorism operations. The two sides also held sports competitions, cultural days, and other activities.
"Over the past more than 20 days, the Chinese and Pakistani troops have worked closely together and demonstrated their abilities in jointly safeguarding regional security and stability," said the Chinese commander at the closing ceremony.
This is the eighth edition of the "Warrior" series China-Pakistan joint military exercise, which has become a major platform for counter-terrorism cooperation between the Chinese and Pakistani militaries.