BEIJING, March 3 -- On February 28, local time, the 15th Chinese Peacekeeping Horizontal Engineering Company to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) completed the road maintenance work for the Kuajok-Lunyaker-Warrap main supply route and the road is now fully open to traffic.
北京3月3日电 当地时间2月28日,中国第15批赴南苏丹(瓦乌)维和工兵分队承建的“科瓦乔克-卢雅克-瓦拉卜”主补给线工程项目正式竣工,道路全线通车。
In 21 workdays' maintenance work, the Chinese peacekeeping contingent dispatched more than 800 troops and more than 380 vehicles and machines and transported more than 2,000 cubic meters of soil. They completed the maintenance work with high standards and demonstrated China's commitment to peacekeeping career.