By Sun Qi
The leaked Pentagon documents have made a big splash. Recently, the US media disclosed once again that Washington spied on talks between UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and leaders of other countries and the UN senior officials. In response, the United Nations (UN) has formally expressed concerns to the Biden administration.
It is learned that about 100 pages of documents were leaked, which involve intelligence about the Russia-Ukraine conflict and other aspects, including internal dialogues between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukrainian officials, as well as internal communications of ROK, Israel and other countries.
The US has long claimed to uphold the role of the UN but launched a storm of wiretapping in this organization. The US styles itself the "defender" of so-called freedom and democracy but conducts wanton surveillance on other countries. These moves have fully exposed the hegemonic nature and double standards of the No.1 spy empire.
This leaking incident has once again aroused wide criticism and strong opposition to the US surveillance act from the international community. The main opposition Democratic Party in the ROK urged their government to take a decisive response to the surveillance event of the US Intelligence Community reported by overseas media, and launch a strong diplomatic protest against the US government and demand the latter to trace the truth. Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung said that "the ROK and the US are allies, and the core value of alliance is mutual respect", adding that "surveillance on allies is unacceptable". The Japanese media also pointed out that this leaking incident discredits the US government and will deal a heavy blow to its alliance.
In fact, the latest leaking incident just represents a miniature of the US indiscriminate worldwide eavesdropping activities. The US has continuously implemented large-scale, organized and indiscriminate cyber theft and surveillance on overseas governments, enterprises and individuals under the guise of "national security" by relying on its technology advantages. In 2013, Edward Snowden, an employee from its former defense contractor, revealed US' large-scale spying project "PRISM" to the media, with targets including American citizens as well as dignitaries and civilians of France, Germany and other European countries. In 2015, WikiLeaks disclosed that the National Security Agency (NSA) used to conduct surveillance on Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande during their presidential tenure. In 2021, the Danish media once again exposed that the US accessed the local network through the Danish Security and Intelligence Service and spied on dignitaries of Germany, France, Sweden, Norway and other European countries. US’ shameless spying frenzy has gone so far that it has spied not only on its adversaries, but also on its allies and even the UN.
Although these scandals were condemned by the public every time, Washington has never stopped its spying activities, as an article from the ROK newspaper Dong-a Ilbo pointed out. The US promised not to spy on senior German officials after the "PRISM" incident, but continuously disclosed surveillance scandals in these years have demonstrated that the US is just saying one thing and doing another, and simply ignores the sovereignty of other countries and international rules. To seek absolute security of itself, the US wantonly infringes the cyber sovereignty of other countries and damages their information security, which has severely disrupted the international order in cyberspace and undermined global strategic stability. With the disclosure of repeated scandals, the US, which is wild about hegemony and addicted to spying, has put itself on the wrong side against international rules and morality. It should reflect deeply on its acts and completely abandon the hegemonic and unscrupulous surveillance evildoings.