Chinese naval task unit wraps up visit to Timor-Leste

China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2024-06-04 18:57:51

By Song Zixun and Zhou Zhou

DILI, June 4 -- The Chinese naval 83rd task unit successfully completed its goodwill visit to Timor-Leste and left the Port of Dili on June 3. So far, it has wrapped up all the visit missions of its voyage.

At 9:00 a.m. local time, a grand farewell ceremony was held at the port by the Timorese side. Chinese Ambassador to Timor-Leste Wang Wenli, Chief of Staff of the Timor-Leste Navy, Director-General of the Timor-Leste Ministry of National Defense Nuno Carval dos Santos, as well as more than 200 people including representatives of Chinese-funded enterprises in Timor-Leste, Chinese medical aid team, and overseas Chinese in Timor-Leste came to the dock to see the task unit off.

During the visit, the commanding officer of the Chinese task unit made courtesy calls with the commander of the Timor-Leste Navy and the leader of the Ministry of Defense. The Chinese troops visited the Timor-Leste Navy's military facilities and research institutes. They also engaged in discussions and exchanges, friendly sports matches, and other activities with Timor-Leste Defense Force (F-FDTL) service members, college teachers and students, and diplomats at the Chinese Embassy in Timor-Leste. Meanwhile, the task unit organized various open-day activities.

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