Vietnamese frigate wraps up visit to Zhanjiang City

China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2024-08-13 17:43:02

By He Yuemin and Sun Xixuan

GUANGZHOU, Aug. 13 -- Vietnamese missile frigate Tran Hung Dao wrapped up its visit and exchange activities and departed from a naval port in Zhanjiang City, south China's Guangdong Province, on the morning of August 11. The Chinese side held a farewell ceremony at the dock.

During the visit, the Chinese and Vietnamese navies organized ship tours, deck receptions, cultural exchanges and other activities, which have further enhanced the mutual understanding and trust between the two navies and deepened friendship between the two sides.

After leaving the port, the missile frigate Tran Hung Dao will form a taskforce with the Chinese naval corvette frigate Bazhong to carry out joint drills on formation movement, communications, joint search and rescue and other subjects.

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