Chinese peacekeepers complete multiple tasks in Aweil, South Sudan

China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2024-06-24 17:26:09

Chinese peacekeepers carry out engineering tasks.

WAU, June 24 -- Recently, the 14th Chinese Peacekeeping Horizontal Engineering Company to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) dispatched some elite troops to the Aweil camp area of the UNMISS. The troops covered nearly 200 kilometers and successfully performed engineering support operations such as emergency repairs of power supply equipment, construction of airport facilities, and repairs of camp roads. 

A power outage had occurred in the whole camp due to equipment failure at the power station. After determining that the lines were damaged due to a short circuit, the Chinese peacekeeping engineers immediately began repair work. They took three hours to rearrange the lines, successfully resolved the electrical problems and restored normal power supply.

When conducting airport facility construction work, the Chinese peacekeeping engineers overcame difficulties such as hot weather and infestation of snakes and insects, and manually operated various small-sized machines and tools to set up a protective net around the airport. They successfully built safety protection facilities to further eliminate safety hazards around the airport.

Next, the Chinese peacekeeping engineers will continue to carry out various peacekeeping operations with high standards, focusing on tasks such as upgrading camp defense facilities, building airport facilities and repairing roads.

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