Military forum focuses on modernization

China Daily
Li Jiayao
2023-06-16 14:20:51

By Jiang Chenglong

A high-end forum on strengthening the military kicked off on Thursday in Beijing, where hundreds of military officials, academics from research institutions and industrial insiders shared their views on promoting military modernization.

Yang Xuejun, president of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Military Sciences, said in his opening remarks that accelerating the modernization of national defense and the armed forces is the "military chapter" of Chinese modernization.

He emphasized that all efforts must be made to meet goals set for the centenary of the PLA, highlighting the leading role of military intellectualization that aims to comprehensively promote the transformation and upgrading of the army.

The general also said innovation-driven development must be given more attention and stressed the significance of fully strengthening military governance.

Bai Lyu, political commissary of the military academy, echoed Yang in his keynote speech, saying that the modernization of national defense and the armed forces is an important component of overall Chinese modernization and also serves as "a strategic support" for the effort.

On Thursday afternoon, more than 30 guests from various fields discussed topics such as strengthening the cultivation of military talent and enhancing military governance.

The two-day forum was organized by the PLA Academy of Military Sciences and has been held each year since 2018.

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