Xi urges military to focus on its centenary goals

China Daily
Chen Zhuo
2022-10-25 09:54:03

Xi Jinping (front row, center), general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, attends a meeting of leading military officers in Beijing on Monday. LI GANG/XINHUA

Xi said the 20th CPC National Congress was a great success and studying and implementing the Party's road map determined by the congress has become the principal political task for all Chinese people, including members of the armed forces.

Members of the armed forces must uphold the main theme of the congress, carefully read the report to the 20th CPC National Congress and the new Party Constitution, research the thoughts, perspectives, strategies and measures included in those documents, and align their minds and deeds with the Party, Xi said.

The report set out a number of measures to strengthen the military's overall capabilities.

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