China, Laos to hold Friendship Shield-2023 joint exercise in May

China Military Online
Chen Zhuo
2023-05-05 18:07:34

BEIJING, May 5 -- Based on the agreement of both sides, the China-Laos Friendship Shield-2023 joint military exercise will be held at the Kommadam Academy of the Lao People's Armed Forces (LPAF) in Laos from May 9 to 28. 

The exercise will be set on the scenario of joint attacks on transnational armed criminal groups, involving more than 900 participating troops from both sides. The Chinese side will send over 200 troops from a combined-arms brigade of the 75th Group Army under the PLA Southern Theater Command to the exercise, along with more than 300 units (sets) of assault vehicles, various types of ordnance, and equipment for mine clearance, explosive disposal and epidemic prevention.

This exercise will include such contents as mixed grouping  training, comprehensive drills, cultural exchanges and humanitarian assistance event, which is of great significance to strengthening military exchanges between the two militaries and maintaining regional peace and stability.

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