Chinese, Vietnamese navies conduct 34th joint patrol in Beibu Gulf

China Military Online
Chen Zhuo
2023-06-28 21:15:26

Chinese and Vietnamese naval ships conduct the 34th joint patrol in Beibu Gulf on June 27, 2023.

BEIJING, June 28 -- According to relevant agreement between the Chinese and Vietnamese militaries and the annual routine plan, naval vessels of both sides carried out the 34th joint patrol in Beibu Gulf on June 27.

China and Vietnam each sent two naval ships to participate in the event, with the Chinese side having the frigates Guangyuan and Hanzhong, both homegrown light frigates attached to the navy of the Chinese PLA Southern Theater Command.

At around 8 am, vessels from both sides conducted collaborative patrol along the China-Vietnam maritime demarcation line in the Beibu Gulf. Two hours later, the two sides conducted a joint search and rescue drill, with the scenario set as a fishing boat of each side was in distress in the common fishery area  and the personnel were in urgent need of rescue.

During the whole process, the two sides communicated closely and efficiently, which not only improved the capability of the two navies to jointly deal with maritime security issues, but also enhanced the cooperation and mutual trust between the two sides.

It is the 34th joint patrol since China and Vietnam signed an agreement on joint patrol in the Beibu Gulf waters in 2005 . In addition to regular joint patrols, the two sides also conducted drills on subjects of joint search and rescue, light signals, etc.

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