Chinese defense spokesperson slams US arms sales to Taiwan

China Military Online
Li Weichao
2023-07-05 16:49:18

BEIJING, July 5 -- "China is firmly opposed to US arms sales to Taiwan and has lodged stern representations with the US," said Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, when answering a media query on Wednesday.

It is reported that on June 29 local time the US State Department approved a sale of ammunition and logistics supply support to Taiwan valued at up to $440 million.

Senior Colonel Tan pointed out the US has disregarded China's core concerns, grossly interfered in China's internal affairs and deliberately escalated tensions across the Taiwan Strait, which is tantamount to turning Taiwan into a "powder keg" and pushing the people of Taiwan into an abyss of disaster.

"We urge the US side to abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, immediately cease arms sales to Taiwan, stop any form of military collusion with Taiwan, earnestly fulfill its commitment to not support 'Taiwan independence', and stop going further down the wrong and dangerous path," said the spokesperson.

Both the US' attempt to "use Taiwan to contain China" and the DPP authorities' attempt to seek "Taiwan independence" by force are purely wishful thinking and doomed to fail. The Chinese PLA will always stay on high alert, resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and firmly safeguard peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, reiterated the spokesperson.

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