Hospital ship Peace Ark conducts medical rescue drill in Western Pacific

China Military Online
Li Weichao
2023-07-07 20:35:49

Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark conducts an all-elements and whole-process sea-air medical rescue drill in the Western Pacific on the morning of July 6, 2023.

By Li Yun and Xie Fei

PEACE ARK, July 7 -- Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark conducted a whole-process and all-element sea-air medical rescue drill in the Western Pacific on July 6, local time.

The drill was set on a scenario in which an island was hit by an earthquake and the Chinese hospital ship was requested to provide humanitarian medical assistance.

During the exercise, while the ship was maneuvering towards the target island at high speed, the shipboard ambulance helicopter carrying a medical team composed of experts in internal medicine, surgery, emergency, and critical care set out to pick up the "wounded", and two high-speed ambulance boats with search and rescue teams sailed to the designated sea area to search the "men overboard".

After a number of the "wounded" and "person overboard" were rescued and transferred to the hospital ship by the helicopter and high-speed ambulance boats, the medical staff immediately carried out triage and quickly transferred the "wounded" to the operating room and intensive care unit, and carried out treatment.

During the drill, the ship, ambulance helicopter and high-speed ambulance boats responded quickly and cooperated well, and accumulated experience for future medical rescue and medical services in the open sea.

Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark set sail from a military dock in Zhoushan, East China's Zhejiang Province, on July 3, to conduct Harmonious Mission 2023 in Kiribati, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Timor Leste. It is expected to berth at the Port of Tarawa in Kiribati, the first stop of the mission, on July 15, and will provide seven-day free medical services for local people, personnel of Chinese-funded institutions, overseas Chinese and other groups.

Medical staff aboard Peace Ark boards the ship-borne helicopter during a comprehensive medical rescue drill in the Western Pacific on July 6, 2023.

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