Chinese naval ship Qi Jiguang visits Indonesia

China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2023-09-18 18:31:36

Chinese naval training ship Qi Jiguang docks at Jamrud Terminal in the Port of Surabaya. (Photo by Gao Mi)

SURABAYA, Indonesia, Sept. 18 – Chinese naval training ship Qi Jiguang, which is on the internship visit mission in far seas, arrived in the Port of Surabaya, Indonesia, as the first stop of the mission on the morning of September 17, beginning its three-day goodwill visit there. It is the first time for the ship Qi Jiguang to visit Indonesia.

The ship Qi Jiguang docked at Jamrud Terminal around 10 o' clock. Representatives from the Indonesian Navy, staff of the Chinese embassy in Indonesia, and overseas Chinese attended the welcome ceremony.

During the visit, personnel from both navies will conduct activities including mutual visits, forums and exchanges, and friendly sports games. Chinese commanding officers will call on leaders of the Indonesian naval forces and academies, followed by a deck reception held aboard the ship Qi Jiguang.

The ship is arranged to be open to the Indonesian military, local citizens and overseas Chinese for visits. After that, the two sides will organize joint training  drills on ship formation maneuver, joint communications, light and flag signals at sea and other subjects.

The ship Qi Jiguang set sail from Qingdao on September 4. During the voyage of past 13 days, more than 300 midshipmen have carried out culture exchanges and joint professional training, with mutual friendship enhanced and sailing skills promoted. Two Indonesian and two Thai midshipmen boarding the ship in Qingdao will complete their internship training and disembark from the ship in the Port of Surabaya.

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