CMC Vice Chairman General He Weidong meets with guests attending 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2023-11-01 17:58:44

BEIJING, Nov. 1 -- On October 31, General He Weidong, vice chairman of China's Central Military Commission (CMC), met in Beijing respectively with defense ministers of Nigeria, Azerbaijan and Singapore, and held a talk with the Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister. All the guests were attending the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum in China.

During his meeting with Nigerian Minister of Defense Alhaji Mohammed Badaru Abubakar, Gen. He Weidong stated that Nigeria is China's important strategic partner in Africa. The Chinese side is willing to maintain the sound momentum of the mil-to-mil relations with the Nigerian side, continue to deepen communication at every level and elevate the mil-to-mil cooperation to a new height. 

Mohammed Badaru Abubakar said that the two sides enjoy close and sincere friendly exchanges, and the cooperation in the fields of high-level visits and personnel training has yielded fruitful outcomes. Nigeria will firmly support China's principled position on international and regional affairs.

During his meeting with Azerbaijani Defense Minister Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, Gen. He Weidong stated that China and Azerbaijan have enjoyed profound friendship for thousands of years. The Chinese military is willing to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, maintain the positive development of the mil-to-mil relations, deepen high-level exchanges, promote strategic mutual trust, and expand cooperation between military members, so as to achieve more new outcomes. 

Hasanov said that Azerbaijani side firmly upholds the one-China principle, and always attaches great importance to relations with China. Azerbaijan is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields including the Belt and Road Initiative cooperation, and foster mutually beneficial relations between the two countries and militaries.

During his meeting with Singapore's Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen, Gen. He stated that China and Singapore have learned from and supported each other for a long time, and the friendly cooperation has produced substantial results. It is hoped that the two militaries will further promote mutual trust, deepen cooperation, strengthen multilateral coordination and collaboration, and make contributions to peace and stability in the South China Sea. 

Ng Eng Hen spoke highly of the status and role of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum. He said that Singapore is willing to expand communication and cooperation in areas such as personnel exchanges and joint training and exercise with the Chinese military, so as to continuously promote the defense cooperation between the two countries, and jointly respond to the security risks and challenges facing them.

During the talks with Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Tea Seiha, Gen. He Weidong stated that China and Cambodia are iron friends. The two militaries should carry forward the traditional friendship between the two countries, continue to enhance strategic communication, consistently improve the quality and effectiveness of the cooperation, resolutely safeguard each other's core interests, and intransigently uphold international equity and justice, in order to promote deeper and more solid building of China-Cambodia community with a shared future in the new era. 

Tea Seiha sincerely thanked China for its great support and help to Cambodia's defense and military development. He said that Cambodia has always been committed to the development of special friendly relations with China. It will continue to firmly support China in defending its core interests, and preserve regional peace and stability together with China.

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