Chinese peacekeeping contingent to S. Sudan (Wau) completes MSR repair mission

China Military Online
Lin Congyi
2024-02-23 17:38:33

The Chinese peacekeepers take a group photo with UN colleagues at the completion ceremony.

BEIJING, Feb. 23 -- Recently, the 14th Chinese Peacekeeping Horizontal Engineering Company to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) successfully accomplished its first main supply route (MSR) maintenance mission.

The road section being rehabilitated is the main traffic artery between Kuajok and Akop, Warrap State, South Sudan. The continuous rain erosion has resulted in a severely potholed road surface, greatly impacting the UN peacekeeping operations, delivery of humanitarian supplies, and travel of residents.

In mid-January, at the requests from the local government and UNMISS engineering section, the Chinese contingent dispatched dozens of peacekeepers and more than 20 sets of engineering machinery and equipment for the task, covering a range of specialized forces including engineering, guarding, medical care, repair, and communication.

During the construction process, the peacekeepers overcame adverse conditions such as heightened security, harsh field environments, and mosquito infestation while consistently adhering to the Chinese standards and the Chinese speed. After almost a month of continuous hard work, the peacekeepers successfully completed the construction, and their exceptional and efficient work were highly recognized by the head of the UNMISS engineering section.

The task was the first MSR maintenance mission accomplished by the peacekeeping engineering contingent after being deployed to the mission area. Next, they will continue to advance various peacekeeping tasks such as road building and engineering construction in accordance with the UN-mandated plan.

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